Become the ultimate content creator
Now in real time, online, without limits
Coming in 2025
Now in real time, online, without limits
Coming in 2025
Make your dream come true and live the life of a content creator.
Become a member of a real time online universe: share your journey with other users, create epic videos, compete on stream, post pictures, upgrade and customize your own home, equipment and look and feel to become the best influencer in the world.
Experience the definitive Youtubers Life
Compete against other users
Upgrade and customize your home
Discover the best live events
Customize your character
Create epic VODs
Edit and post your videos
Get more likes than anyone else
Hire the best employees
Become the most famous youtuber! Create videos, get subscribers, attend exclusive events and interact with your biggest fans. Take your channel to the top... and you can live in a mansion in space! Live the youtuber life.
Start from scratch and take control of the life of an aspiring influencer. Balance your day between creating trend-based content, completing tasks to earn money, and gaining the trust of your neighbors to uncover their stories. Are you ready to start your journey to fame?